Sunday, January 29, 2017

Homemade Vegetable Broth

Music share: Wanna Be Startin' Something by Michael Jackson

So, when I first started AIP back in 2015, I realized that I was going to have to be creative with my cooking. Even more creative than I had ever been. I've learned to do so many things from scratch and recreate comfort foods. Cooking from scratch, from whole foods, learning to use everything has been a challenge. I must say that I have risen to the occasion.
With that said, I saw video on Facebook that showed me how to make my own vegetable stock by saving vegetable scraps! Say WHAT?!? I watched said video a number of times, and knew I could do this. Vegetable scraps you said? I generate PLENTY of those!
  1. Get a gallon sized freezer bag and mark "veggie scraps" and the date.
  2. Put any veggie scraps in the bag. Onion skins, ends of zucchini, potato skins, leftover garlic from your garlic press...ANY veggie scraps!
  3. Store the bag in the freezer for up to 6 months until it's full.
  4. Once you have a full bag of veggie scraps, place frozen scraps in a large stock pot, cover with water and boil for 30-45 minutes
  5. Strain the liquid and place in storage containers (I prefer glass containers).
I like to pour the liquid into ice trays so that I can have veggie broth cubes. This makes me happier than anyone realizes. I can just throw a cube of broth in any recipe that requires a little liquid flavor!

Making your own vegetable stock from vegetable scraps is so easy and allows you to use every part of your vegetables. NO WASTE! Plus, it's a healthy form of liquid flavor that you can use in place of water. AND you know exactly what's in it. No preservatives. I will never have to buy broth again! (I also make chicken broth, but that will be a part of another post, another time!)

veggie broth in glass containers and while cooking

veggie cubes



  1. Hey Erica! I am so glad you decided to give this a go! I'll be following. So far, excellent. Love the new way to use my veggie "scraps". I had no idea about this. I love to make homemade chicken soup, and extra broth....but I've been making it the same way, like Forever!! Hopefully you'll give me some new inspiration.

    Congratulations on taking that leap!

  2. Hi Kara! Thank you so much for your kind comments and encouragement! I'll hope you'll enjoy all of the posts! If you have any suggestions, please let me know! Thanks again!

  3. Just wanted to encourage you to keep it up! (It's Misty.)
